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Our Charism

Our Charism

St Francis Catholic School is guided by Jesus' message of love which pervades the Gospels and can be represented by his words "By this love you have for one another, everyone will know that you are my disciples" (Jmn. 13:35).

Our school owes much to the traditions of the Good Samaritan Sisters and the heritage of the Franciscan Friars. To walk in the light of Jesus, St Francis Catholic School emulates the model of St Francis of Assisi by creating a fraternal atmosphere, a sense of solidarity and belonging, a community of self-disciplined people, a place of pardon and peace, a community of service within the wider community, and a physical and social environment of beauty.

What is Charism?

A charism is a divine spiritual gift given to an individual or group for the good of the community. Each religious order has a specific charism, a gift to be put to the service of the Church and the world.

Pope Paul VI was the first to label "charism" specifically in relation to religious institutes. He explained that the charism of the religious life is the fruit of the Holy Spirit, who is always at work within the Church.

A charism touches the very core of our existence and colours everything that we do as human beings. It allows us to see things in new ways, and to understand them even more wonderfully. We absorb a charism as we absorb sunshine, and we radiate a charism as a light pierces the darkness.